Cuba Asks UN to Circulate Statement on Posada

United Nations, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuba asked the UN secretary general to circulate a protest against the release of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the United States, as an official document of the General Assembly and the Security Council.

Cuban Ambassador Rodrigo Malmierca said in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon that a US court dropped all charges against the terrorist and released him on May 8.

Once again, Cuba holds the US government responsible for that decision, which is proof of Washington's double standard in its self-proclaimed "war against terrorism", the letter says.

Malmierca added that by not considering this individual a terrorist, the US government is violating international covenants and treaties, in addition to breaking its own laws.

The Cuban ambassador added that Posada Carriles' release also violates pertinent resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly and the Security Council.

He repeated his country's strongest condemnation of this new move, which he described as an insult to the Cuban people and the victims and relatives of the hideous sabotage of a Cubana de Aviacion airplane off Barbados in 1976, killing all 73 people on board.

Malmierca asked the UN secretary general to circulate his letter and an annex containing the Declaration of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba, dated May 9, 2007, as official documents of the 61st Session of the General Assembly.


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