Cuba and Iran sign anti-nuclear weapons pact

Joint declaration calls for end to nukes and economic boycotts

Havana, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) A joint declaration between Cuban and Iranian parliaments, signed in Havana, pleaded for the total ban of weapons of mass destruction and demanded from the international community effective steps for that to take place.

The document, inked by Cuban Parliament Speaker Ricardo Alarcon and his Iranian counterpart Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, considers as a threat to global peace and security, the production, proliferation and storage of those weapons, as well as reaffirms all peoples? right to tap nuclear technology with peaceful ends.

Both parties expressed opposition to unilateral policies in the world, favored cooperation to fight terrorism and condemned economic pressures on independent nations.

In addition, Cuba and Iran denounced human rights violations of the Palestinian people and slammed the insults of Prophet Muhammad in the European media.

Haddad Adel was also received by Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque and Vice President Carlos Lage, who ratified the island?s support of the Iranian right to use nuclear energy and expressed interest in strengthening mutual collaboration.

The distinguished visitor, here on an invitation from the National Assembly, expressed thanks for Cuban support at the IAEA Board of Governors and championed for increasing commercial-economic exchange between both nations.

He and his parliamentarian delegation, departing February 19, are slated to visit Varadero tourist resort in Matanzas, where they will meet with Ministry authorities from that sector.


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