CSC statement on US immigration policy changes

CSC director Rob Miller comments on the recent ending of the ‘wet foot, dry foot’ immigration policy

“We welcome Barack Obama’s move to end the so called ‘wet-foot, dry-foot policy’ which has encouraged illegal and dangerous migration to the United States for the last twenty years. However the fact remains that the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act is still in place, which gives Cuban nationals preferential treatment to become US citizens after a year in the country. To normalise migration relations, this Act must be repealed by Congress.

“We also welcome the ending of the so-called Cuban Medical Professional Parole Program, which has been used as a weapon against Cuba – a programme aimed at encouraging Cuban doctors, nurses and health workers working on international humanitarian missions to effectively defect to the United States. This immoral policy led to both brain drain in Cuba and deprived the developing world of much needed medical expertise in times following natural disasters.

“These moves by Obama in his final days in the White House are welcome steps towards better relations between the United States and Cuba. However the illegal US Blockade continues, Guantanamo Bay is still occupied and the United States maintains its funding for ‘regime’ change policies against Cuba.

“We hope that incoming President Trump will continue with the recent more positive trajectory towards Cuba and that he will not succumb to those in the US that want to put the clock back to a Cold War policy of threats, interventions and aggression against Cuba.”


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