CSC congratulates Prensa Latina on 60th anniversary of its foundation

The executive committee of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign has sent a 60th anniversary message to Prensa Latina to congratulate the Cuban and Latin American news organisation on its establishment by Che Guevara in 1959.

You can read about the history and founding of the Latin American news service, and an interview with its correspondent in London in the summer 2018 issue of CubaSi here.

A copy of the letter is here, and the full text reproduced below:

Prensa Latina – Congratulations on your 60th anniversary of your foundation

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Cuba Solidarity campaign in the United Kingdom we would like to express our congratulations to Prensa Latina (PL) on the 60th anniversary of your foundation.

Ever since Prensa Latina took up the challenge made by Fidel Castro when he called for the creation of a media service providing reports ‘written in our language’, PL has been at the forefront of providing truthful media reports about Latin America and the world.

At a time when the US administration is fermenting a misinformation campaign about progressive movements in the region in particular towards Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, the role of an honourable and professional news agency such as PL is more important than ever.

The Western ‘Main Stream Media’ is dominated by a small number of multinational corporations and multimillionaire owners that generally serve the narratives and the interests of the ruling elites. It is therefore essential that alternative media outlets and agencies that work for a truthful journalism, without the need to serve a particular set of shareholders or owners, are supported and continue to thrive.

We are also honoured to welcome Prensa Latina to London where you have established a new office and we look forward to continuing to work together in the coming years.

Our very best wishes to Prensa Latina, and to all their staff, on this 60th anniversary of your foundation.


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