CSC 2023 Blockade Buster Raffle winners

The grand draw of the CSC 2023 Blockade Buster Raffle took place Saturday 10 June at the CSC AGM in London, with the help of Lissette Rubio Mederos, education specialist visiting from Cuba, a guest speaker at the AGM. The raffle raised nearly £14,000 for the Campaign and we would like to thank all our members and supporters who bought tickets this year.

CSC director Rob Miller said:
“We have raised a lot of funds for material aid for Cuba recently so we really appreciate this support to raise funds for the work of the Campaign day-to-day. I’d like to thank everyone who bought and sold tickets. Your support will help enormously in our work against the Blockade and for Cuban sovereignty. Viva Cuba!”

The winners are:
1st prize: 2 return flights to Cuba *
Winner: 04532 Patrick Fox, Merseyside

2nd prize: box of 6 bottles wine (courtesy Moreno Wines)
Winner: 02041 Teresa Macartney, Glasgow

3rd prize: Cuba Hamper with rum, coffee, honey, chocolate & more
Winner: 03190 – Bob Allen, Cheshire

Plus 5 runners-up prizes of Cuban photography books and music CDs
19200 Ilan Tucker, Gwynedd
00313 Jane Llewellyn
12869 Alex Gordon, London
01695 Janet Pavone, Brighton
15556 Raj Gupta, London
(*two economy class low season flight tickets to be used in 12 months from draw – or cash alternative £1200)

First prize winner Patrick said: “I am delighted to have won first prize in the draw. I am a long time member of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and wholeheartedly support its aims. I am now really looking forward to making my first visit to Cuba in the near future.”


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