Costa Ricans thwart Anti-Cuban conspiracy at Ibero-American summit

Solidarity groups and trade unions organise to shout down meeting

San Jose, Costa Rica, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina)

Dozens of Costa Ricans thwarted an anti-Cuban maneuver at the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday by blocking the holding of the so-called International Forum for Democracy in Cuba.

The forum, pushed by US-financed organizations and politicians, was suspended a few minutes following its opening, due to the condemnation of solidarity and friendship bodies with the Caribbean island, unions, institutions and parliamentarians.

Only two speeches were made before a crowd began to shout slogans supporting Havana and demanding suspension of the gathering held in the sidelines of the 14th Ibero American Summit.

In statements to Prensa Latina, people said that Costa Ricans demonstrated their real sentiments in the face of a Washington politicking minority and mercenary terrorist.

The peoples? action against the so-called International Forum for Democracy stems from the President Abel Pacheco administration?s refusal to impede what Havana termed an anti-Cuban farce.

Cuban Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Rafael Daussa handed the press an official communiqué denouncing the local authorities? complicity with the maneuver, lack of willingness to carry out their duties and assume responsibilities as the Ibero American Summit host country.

Daussa said that diplomatic notes were addressed to the Costa Rican consul but they were ignored and left without response.

Cuba is very interested in the 14th Ibero American summit and will defend its principles and positions in every session, stressed the deputy minister.

In 2003, the administration denied authorization to pay homage in Costa Rica to the 150th anniversary of Cuban National Hero Jose Marti. In 2004, it refused to approve a request to launch a book at the Costa Rican Parliament.

Notorious terrorists such as US CIA agent Carlos Alberto Montaner, counterrevolutionary gang members and ex presidents Luis Alberto Monge (Costa Rica), Luis Alberto Lacalle (Uruguay) and Armando Calderon (El Salvador), were invited to the anti-Cuban show.

Asked by PL on the US financing of the forum, they failed to respond and rushed to leave.

Part of the Bush regime's new measures adopted agianst Cuba last summer inclide fianncing a worlwide campaign agginast Cuba in international fora. Some $59 million has been seta aside for this purpose.{6F8C2472-4EBD-4A60-B314-BAB92DDE190E}&language=EN


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