Concert for Haiti Sold Out

Concert for Haiti featuring Billy Bragg, Cuban band Son Mas plus very special guests

The past week has seen the Cuba Solidarity Campaign's offices in north London inundated with requests for tickets for the Concert for Haiti benefit on Wednesday 3 February.

The concert organised with the TUC and with the

support of UK unions and progressive organisations has proven to be incredibly popular and is now completely sold out.

At the same time CSC has already received over £3000 in direct dionations for the Cuban doctors

working in Haiti and this has already been transfered to Cuba for immediate use.

The site will continue to be updated with progressive news reports and opinion on and from the country, the new Aidez Haiti t-shirts can also be brought here and online donations to the TUC Aid Earthquake appeal made. Video reports from the concert itself will also feature on the site shortly after the concert on Wednesday 3 February.

Concert News

Film stars Alan Rickman, Tom Wilkinson and Frances de la Tour are the latest performers to join line up for the Concert for Haiti on Wednesday 3 February at Congress House.

Also appearing alongside Billy Bragg are Benjamin Zephaniah, Tony Benn, Ken Loach, Cuban band Son Mas and jazz violinist Omar Puente in what is set to be a fantastic fundraising night.

The concert- organised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and the TUC- will raise money for the victims of the 12 January earthquake through the TUC Aid Haiti Appeal.

As well as supporting the TUC Aid Appeal, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign is also raising awareness of and funds for the work of Cuban medical brigades in Haiti following the earthquake.

By 22 January, 400 Cuban medical professionals had treated almost 20,000 patients and performed more than 1,000 operations on earthquake victims. The Cuban doctors, who were already in Haiti volunteering in 127 of Haiti’s 137 municipalities, were among the first to respond when the earthquake struck. They have been joined by 400 Cuban trained Haitian doctors, and another 60 Cuban volunteers from the Henry Reeve Medical brigade, established especially to respond to international medical emergencies. Cuba has also sent ten tonnes of medical aid and 400,000 tetnus jab vaccines which are being administered by the medical teams now.

Donations to directly support the work of the Cuban medical brigades can be made via the Cuba Solidarity Campaign website on

or by calling 020 8800 0155.


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