Celebrate May Day in Havana!

Three opportunities for you to enjoy May Day in Cuba in 2012

Each of CSC's fantastic May Day trips offer the opportunity join more than one million Cuban workers as they march through Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución on 1 May 2012. They provide a wonderful opportunity to see the real Cuba away from the usual tourist trail and allow you to experience Cuba’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.

May Day Study Tour

26 April – 3 May 2012

Prices start at £1,099

Cost includes flights, accommodation, transport and visas. Accommodation in Havana will be in the iconic Hotel Plaza in the heart of Old Havana and close to historic and cultural sites.

Participants receive a special invite to the International Solidarity Conference alongside activists from across the globe and families of the Miami 5. Professional visits to schools, factories, hospitals and universities will provide insight into the achievements of the revolution. There will also be visits to Havana’s famous Museum of the Revolution and a local Committee for the Defence of the Revolution.

Cycle Challenge (sponsored bike ride for the Music Fund for Cuba)

22 April – 3 May 2012

£199 registration plus £2,499 sponsorship

The Challenge runs 315 kilometres from Santa Clara to the remote and rugged Lake Hanabanilla, high in the Escambray Mountains, then downhill to the charming architectural delights of Cienfuegos and onto the Bay of Pigs. The route dips and falls alongside the turquoise blue Caribbean to Trinidad, Cuba’s best preserved colonial town and UNESCO World Heritage site.

Monies raised will go towards purchasing essential educational and musical equipment for young visually impaired Cuban school children and the Teatro Miramar Project, a community theatre which is being restored through monies raised by the Music Fund for Cuba.

Young Trade Unionists’ May Day Brigade

26 April – 10 May 2012

Cost: £999

Cost includes flights, accommodation, food, transport and visas. Delegates will stay on the Julio Mella camp outside Havana and will contribute to the agricultural development of the country through voluntary work sessions. Three nights will be spent at the Hotel Vedado in Old Havana.

Participants receive a special invite to the International Solidarity Conference alongside activists from across the globe and families of the Miami 5. Professional visits to schools, factories, hospitals and universities will provide insight into the achievements of the revolution and allow delegates to strengthen links with sister unions. There will also be visits to Havana’s famous Museum of the Revolution and a local Committee for the Defence of the Revolution.

Although aimed at young trade unionists, all are welcome!


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