Aleida Guevara ‘Remembering Ché’ Tour and Miami Five Vigil- 9-19 September 2012

Aleida Guevara, daughter of revolutionary leader Ché Guevara will be speaking at CSC meetings in Britain in September, together with Luis Marron from the Cuban Friendship Institute, (ICAP)

Tour Dates – Brighton, Nottingham, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Oxford

Sunday 9 September, 2.30pm

Community Base, 113 Queen's Rd??Brighton BN1 3XG

Monday 10 September, 5.30pm

TUC Congress delegates fringe meeting, Brighton Centre

with Rodney Bickerstaffe, Chair KGMT and Brendan Barber, GS, TUC

Tuesday 11 September, 6.30-10.30pm

The Square Centre, Alfred Street North, Nottingham

Public meeting followed by social and live band

Wednesday 12 September, 6pm – 10pm

Banqueting Suite, Newcastle Civic Centre

Bar (not free) and buffet (from 5pm)

The event is free but tickets for the buffet need to be ordered from Unison Newcastle City branch via telephone (0191 211 6980) or email (

Speakers from 6pm. Includes screening of 'Will The Real Terrorist Please Stand Up' documentary film

Thursday 13 September

Cross Party Group on Cuba meeting, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh

Friday 14 September, 7pm

STUC, Woodlands Rd, Glasgow – public meeting

Monday 17 September, 7pm

Grand Committee Room, House of Commons, London

Public meeting supported by London Region Unison

NB: Please arrive half an hour early to pass through parliament security and ensure entry to the meeting.

Tuesday 18 September, 6-7.30pm

Vigil for the Miami Five, US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London

Candlelit vigil with speakers from the British and international labour movement to mark the 14th anniversary of the arrest of the Miami Five

Wednesday 19 September, 12-2pm

Tingewick Hall, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford – public meeting

Aleida Guevara March is the eldest daughter of four children born to Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his second wife, Aleida March.

She is a doctor of medicine, and has also worked as a physician in Angola, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. Guevara speaks in defence of Cuba, for peace, socialism, and Latin American solidarity. She is the author of the book Chávez, Venezuela and the New Latin America. Aleida will be joined by Luis Marron, a good friend of CSC, former Political Counsellor at the Cuban Embassy in London.

This tour is kindly supported by: Ken Gill Memorial Trust and London Region Unison

More information from or 020 8800 0155


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