A new year's message from Rene Gonzalez

My dear friends and supporters of Voices for the Five

I am delighted to have this opportunity to write to you personally and thank you for the solidarity and support you have shown me and my four brothers Ramón, Antonio, Gerardo and Fernando during the last 15 years. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask those of you have not done so, to take just a few seconds to support this important campaign and add your message in support of our fight for justice.

When we were imprisoned 15 years ago, our captors never imagined that from all corners of the world people like you would take up our cause.

Instead of suffering defeat we have become stronger. During this time we have suffered hardships and lost people close to us. But our spirits never broke because we knew we could count on people from all over the world like you. Your solidarity and sense of justice has kept us and our families strong.

I am fortunate and overjoyed that for the first time in 15 years, I

was able spend this New Year together with my family – my wife,
daughters, mother and new grandson. But my happiness will not be complete until my four brothers are home with their families too.

This is why it is so important that we keep fighting for justice and their freedom.

So while I want to thank you for the hope and love you have given to us over the years I also want to take this opportunity to ask you help this campaign grow by adding your name, and if you have done so already, asking your friends and family to support our campaign for justice too.

But most importantly, again and forever, on behalf of all five of us, I send you our most sincere and deep feelings of admiration and gratitude and love to you and your families this New Year.

A big embrace to all.

René González


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