A message of thanks from the Miami 5

A letter from Elizabeth Labaňino, wife of Ramŏn Labaňino

Following the Miami Five Vigil on 9 October, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign received a letter of thanks from Elizabeth, wife of Ramŏn Labaňino.

Brother Rob,

Thank you for the photos of the vigil. We had already received news of this beautiful event in support of the cause of our families who are unjustly imprisoned in the United States. I told Ramon about this and he asked me to pass on to everyone in the UK his eternal gratitude and the conviction that the five will remain strong and always ready for whatever good they can do for humanity.

In the name of my husband, his comrades, and of all the families of the five, I send you a strong embrace and all of our affection.

Elizabeth, wife of Ramon

For a full report and photos of the vigil go to:



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