10th anniversary actions for Cuban Five

Actions in solidarity with five Cuban anti-

terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United State continued to take place over the weekend worldwide on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of their arrest.

In the UK, delegates at the TUC Congress unanimously passed a motion calling for visiting rights for the families and freedom for the Five on Wednesday 1o September.

According to Granma news daily, rallies and demonstrations in solidarity with Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labanino and Fernando Gonzalez – internationally known as the Cuban Five – took place this weekend in East Timor, Spain, Japan, Australia and the United States, among other countries.

In Dili, the capital of East Timor, representatives from the demonstrators delivered a declaration to the US Embassy there demanding

the release of the Cuban Five.

In addition, a call was approved during the closing session of the 3rd Congress of the Women’s Organization of East Timor, in which they urge all American wives and mothers to support the right of Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez to visit their husbands – Rene and Gerardo, respectively – in prison.

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Japan, the Cuban ambassador there, Jose Fernandez, gave a press conference attended by representatives from important

Japanese media outlets such as Asahi, Kyodo News, NHK and NTV, in which he offered details of the case of the Cuban Five.

Demonstrations in solidarity with the Cuban Five also took place in Seville, Spain, and in Perth, Australia.

One of the highlights of this solidarity campaign over the weekend was the first public concert in solidarity with the Cuban Five held at the

Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture in New York and which was attended by more than 600 people.


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