1.3 million UK trade unionists call for action on Miami 5

UNISON, Britain’s second biggest trade union, has called on its 1.3 million members to “act now for the Miami Five’s families’ right to visit”.

The union has just published the appeal on its website – www.unison.org.uk/international/pages_view.asp?did=6375

which has reported on the case of the Cuban heroes.

The article also praises the Cuba Solidarity Campaign for breaking the media wall of silence around the five Cubans by achieving a series of high-profile articles and interviews published in the British media last year.

Keith Sonnet, UNISON’s deputy general secretary, was also quoted in the article, and called for the immediate release of the Miami Five.

He added: “Cuba has a tremendous record in promoting the well being of its people, especially in education and the health service.

“It is ironic that the US should criticise Cuba for human rights abuses, abuses are indeed taking place in Cuba, but in the US-run Guantanamo Bay.”


1.Email your name and address to: campaigns@cuba-solidarity.org.uk or

2.Download a copy of the petition form at:


3. Forward this link to your friends families and colleagues and ask them to sign the petition today.


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