Supporting education, resisting the blockade – online appeal launch

Tuesday 1 February, 6-7pm

‘Viva La Educación’ – is a joint appeal by the National Education Union(NEU) and the Cuba Solidarity Campaign(CSC) to raise money for essential classroom and teaching equipment to be shipped to Cuban schools in 2022/23.

Cuba has some of the best education indicators in Latin America. Its achievements in literacy and further education compare well with others in the region. However Cuban students and teachers often have to make do without many of the basic necessities that we take for granted.

Join us for this online launch of ‘Viva La Educación’ to find out how you can get involved and support students and teachers in Cuba.

with guest speakers

Daniel Kebede, President NEU;

Isora Enriquez O’Frarrill, Cuban teacher;

Rob Miller, Director CSC;

Dawn Taylor, Vice Chair International Committee, NEU;

Members of NEU Cuba delegations 2015-2019

Register for the launch meeting today

Find out about the appeal and donate at


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