Solidarity from Welsh parliament

Welsh parliament member Luke Fletcher has tabled an opinion in the Senedd expressing solidarity with the people of Cuba. The Plaid Cymru MS member for South Wales West tabled the opinion on 4 November a day after the UN vote which saw 185 countries call for the blockade to end.

So far ten Plaid Cymru and Labour party members of the 60-strong Senedd have supported the opinion which expresses solidarity with the people of Cuba and notes the recent UN vote and the shortages that the blockade causes.

The full wording can bee seen below, or on the Senedd website here, together with the names of all the MSs to have signed so far. If you live in Wales and your MS has not signed it yet, please contact them to ask.

Cymru Cuba and other CSC supporters in Wales have been working to strengthen solidarity with Cuba and support for the Viva La Educacion campaign in the last year. Welsh versions of CSC’s blockade and education appeal leaflets were produced for this year’s Eisteddfod and can be read here.

OPIN-2021-0218 Wales and Cuba (e)Tabled on 04/11/2022

This Senedd:

1. Expresses its solidarity with the people of Cuba.

2. Notes that 185 countries voted against the US blockade of Cuba at the UN, with only the USA and Israel supporting its continuation.

3. Further notes that this inhumane policy has been in place for more than 60 years causing severe shortages of food, medicines and fuel.

4. Recognises that despite the blockade, Cuba has made real achievements in health and education policy with the results widely applauded by UNESCO and WHO.

5. Believes that the Welsh Government should develop links with Cuba in areas of mutual interest.


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