CSC sends condolences to the Cuban people following the tanker fire in Matanzas

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign sends our deepest condolences and love to the families of the dead, injured and missing following the devastating accident at the Supertanker Base in Matanzas on Friday 5 August.

Our strength and solidarity goes out to the emergency services who have been trying to contain the ongoing fires and treat the injured for more than 48 hours.

We are thankful to those countries who have pledged support, especially Mexico and Venezuela who have sent technical teams and equipment to help Cuba at this critical time.

This is a major set back for Cuba which is already suffering under 60 years of cruel blockade and the extra sanctions imposed by the Trump administration, while trying to recover from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We urge the US government to make a sincere humanitarian gesture and immediately end its blockade and sanctions against the island to allow both emergency aid to contain the fires and treat the injured, and the long term trade that Cuba needs to recover. We also call on our own government to make support available to Cuba now and in the long term aftermath of the accident.

We stand in solidarity and friendship with the people of Matanzas and Cuba as they confront this tragedy. Cuba is not alone.


Cuba Solidarity Campaign, 7 August 2022

The Cuban government has set up two emergency bank accounts for people wishing to help (details below). If you have any problems transferring money please contact CSC on or call 020 7490 5715. CSC can receive donations for medical aid for Cuba which we can transfer to Cuba when in sufficient quantity. (Let us know the name of your bank and the reason they gave for not making the transfer too for our records and campaigning work).


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