Labour Party Conference fringe meeting

Labour Party Conference fringe: 60 years too long – End the US blockade of Cuba

Tuesday 27 September 5.30pm, Room 11c, ACC, Liverpool

Her Excellency Bárbara Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban Ambassador to UK
Navendu Mishra MP, Stockport, Vice Chair APPG on Cuba
Paula Barker MP, Liverpool Wavertree
Diana Holland, Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union
Gemma Bolton, Labour NEC Rep (Cuba May Day Brigade 2022)
Kevin Courtney, NEU
Rob Miller, Director, Cuba Solidarity Campaign

The US blockade of Cuba entered its sixtieth year in 2022. It is the longest economic warfare against a people in history and causes shortages and suffering on a daily basis. During the COVID pandemic, lives were lost as the blockade prevented delivery of emergency medical supplies and delayed Cuba’s vaccine programme.

These cruel and illegal sanctions must end to allow the Cuban people to recover and rebuild after the pandemic. Find out why solidarity is vital and what you can do to help as the criminal blockade enters its seventh decade.

TUC Congress fringe postponed/new date tbc
Supporting Education, Resisting the blockade
Room 1d, Brighton Centre

Her Excellency Bárbara Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban Ambassador
Kevin Courtney, NEU
Mick Whelan, ASLEF
Mariela Kohn, TUC
Grahame Morris MP
Chair: Rob Miller, Director CSC

2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the US blockade of Cuba. Despite 29 UN votes calling for its termination, it remains the longest economic blockade in history and causes shortages across Cuban society.

To support Cuban teachers and students the NEU and Cuba Solidarity Campaign have launched a Viva La Educación, a year long appeal to send education equipment to Cuba and help break the cruel blockade.

Come to this meeting to hear about Cuba’s achievements as a result of its commitment to education for all, the challenges of COVID-19 and ongoing US sanctions on teachers and students, and why solidarity is vital and what you can do to help as the criminal blockade enters its seventh decade.


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