Ask your MP to sign EDM 1550 – Cuba and the US blockade

Please ask your MP to sign Early Day Motion 1550 – Cuba and the US blockade. You can use our quick and easy tool to write to your MP. It takes just 30 seconds, but is a great way to support Cuba.

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Early Day Motion (EDM) 1550 calls on the British Government to promote international cooperation between the UK and Cuba and urge the Biden administration to normalise relations by removing Cuba from its ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ list and ending the US blockade.

As Cuba continues to fight COVID-19 at home and abroad, the US blockade has been intensified by the outgoing Trump administration which has exacerbated shortages on the island during the pandemic.

Cuba is in the final stages of testing its own COVID-19 vaccine, which could treat its own population and millions across Latin America and the global south if the country had access to materials to produce and administer the vaccine en masse.

Please ask your MP to sign EDM 1550 today and help end the US blockade and allow Cubans to access the resources they need to provide for themselves and give hope to others around the world.

You can see which MPs have already signed here.


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