Emergency protest against US aggression against Cuba

Sunday 14 November 1-2pm
Outside the Cuban Embassy,
167 High Holborn, London WC1

End US funding for intervention! End the US blockade!

On Sunday 14 November the CSC groups will hold an emergency rally in London to protest against US intervention and attempts to destabilise Cuba. The protest will highlight the escalation of US government involvement with, and funding for, opposition groups both on and outside the island. It will call for an end to US aggression and an end to the US blockade which has caused hardship and suffering in Cuba for almost 60 years.

Pro-blockade politicians and right-wing Cuban American groups based in Florida are pushing for increased sanctions, calling for US action, including intervention, and supporting anti-Cuba protests around the world.

While they claim to want to help the Cuban people, they support the tightening of the US blockade – a policy which is directly responsible for shortages of food, medicines and basic necessities for all Cubans, especially the most vulnerable. The blockade has been condemned by the United Nations General Assembly in 29 consecutive votes.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign calls on the US government to end its six-decade campaign of economic warfare and aggression against Cuba. We support the Cuban people’s right to determine their own future, free from external attempts to destabilise the country and US intervention. We will continue to fight for an end to the inhumane US blockade which shamefully enters its 60th year in 2022.

If you are able, please join us at the rally in London from 1-2pm on Sunday 14 November. If not, please support the event by forwarding this email and statement to family and friends, and share our social media posts on the day. If you would like to organise something in your area on raise awareness about the situation please contact us for information and resources.

Read the CSC statement on US intervention and destabilisation attempts in Cuba

Read the alternative news archive which brings together reports on events leading up to November and July 2021 protests

Sign up to the Facebook event


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