Nobel Peace Prize for Cuban Medical Brigades

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is building support in Britain for the international campaign to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the Cuban medical brigades currently supporting health workers in more than 30 countres around the world fight COVID-19.

Alice Walker (US novelist), Luis Ignacio “Lula” Da Silva (former President of Brazil) Mark Ruffalo and Danny Glover (US actors), Noam Chomsky (US author), Oliver Stone (US filmmaker), Rafael Correa (former president of Ecuador) and Tom Morello (US musician) are just a few of the international supporters.

British supporters include:

Other supporters
Steve Turner, Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union

Background to the Nobel Prize Campaign
Since its formation, the medics of the Henry Reeve Brigade, now composed of 7,400 voluntary healthcare workers, have been on the front lines providing disaster relief across the globe including Haiti, Kashmir and the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

Before COVID-19, Cuban medics had treated more than 3.5 million people in 21 countries ravaged by the world’s worst natural disasters and epidemics. An estimated 80,000 lives have been saved as a direct result of the Brigade’s front-line emergency medical treatments.

The aim of the Nobel Peace Prize campaign is to educate people about how Cuba, a small, poor country, has demonstrated to a world reeling from COVID-19 what global solidarity looks like, in the hope that it will inspire other countries to “promote policies and actions that are more compassionate and generous in not only combating pandemics but building a more just, peaceful and verdant world.”

As Noam Chomsky said: “Cuba is the only country to have shown genuine internationalism during this coronavirus crisis.”

Find out more about the international campaign here
You can sign the Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s open letter calling for an end to the blockade to allow medical aid to Cuba to help fight coronavirus at home here
More information about Cuba’s response to COVID-19 at home and abroad here


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