CSC Blockade Buster Raffle Winners Announced

The CSC 2017 Blockade Buster national raffle was drawn at the CSC Executive Committee meeting on Saturday 6th January by CSC Chairperson and AGS of Unite the union Diana Holland. The raffle raised over £10,000 for CSC campaigns and we would like to thank everyone who bought and sold tickets this year.

The winner was CSC member Matthew Bailey, from East Sussex. When he received news of his win he said:

“I am chuffed to bits and a little bit gobsmacked as I never normally win anything ! I really didn’t expect a prize and brought a ticket to help support CSC and its work. I visited Cuba quite a while ago and unfortunately we couldn’t get to Havana that time. I am now really looking forward to going back to enjoy the country and the people, and definitely visiting the capital this time around”

The winners are:

1st prize: Ticket number 45021: Matthew Bailey, Sussex, two return flights to Cuba or £1000 cash

2nd prize: 31407: James Dye, Lancashire. Cuba Hamper with rum, coffee & more.

3rd prize: 52098: Jose Peto, Essex. A selection of 5 CDs of Cuban Music

Plus 5 runners-up prizes of Cuba books/Cds

33986: D Corrigan, Stockport

71261: Maria Danos

59747: Marie Doran, Glasgow

62603: Marion Sporing, Dundee

17321: Chris Kitchen, Barnsley


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