Over 2,000 people take action against the OU’s Cuban student ban

Over 2,000 people have written to their Member of Parliament urging them to take action to end the Open University’s ban on Cuban students.

The campaign for the discriminatory ban to be overturned has been supported by many MPs, trade unions and campaigners, in addition to a growing number of Open University alumni, staff, students and honorary degree holders, who have applied further pressure on the OU to end their Cuban student ban.

Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green Party, tweeted yesterday in support of the campaign: “I hope the @OpenUniversity can reconsider its ridiculous ban on Cuban students without further delay. Glad that @EHRC investigating,” she wrote.

The public pressure has forced the OU to make a public statement defending their position to which CSC has replied.

As well as coverage in the national UK press (including the Morning Star, Telegraph and Guardian); the issue has also had wide coverage in the Cuban press, including Granma and Cuba Debate.

If you have not done so already, please take action by writing to your MP and writing to the Open University. More information, further actions and briefing papers can be found on http://cuba-solidarity.org.uk/ou/


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