We Won! Visa Victory for Miami Five UK visit

Miami Five Freedom Tour will go ahead after Home Office succumbs to pressure

Following a huge response to our urgent action appeal on Monday 4 July, we are pleased to report that René González and Gerardo Hernández have been issued visas and will be coming to Britain to take part in the Miami Five Freedom Tour next week.

This is a major victory for everyone who helped pressure the Home Office on this issue. We would like to thank all our supporters who wrote to their MPs and to all the parliamentarians who wrote letters to the Home Office.

A huge thanks also to the legal team from Mansfield Chambers who worked on the judicial review.

A court judgement in November 2015 had already ruled that the men should be allowed to come to Britain to meet with MPs in parliament. However, the Home Office continued to delay the visas, claiming the case was ‘complex’.

An oral hearing of the judicial review was due to take place on Wednesday 7 July at 10am, when barristers were going to argue that delaying the visas would have frustrated the rights of parliament and violated the November 2015 judgement. However, yesterday afternoon the Home Office informed CSC that the visas would be granted and requested the court hearing to be cancelled.

Mohamed Elmaazi, from the legal team said

“This is a victory for the (article 10) human and constitutional rights and privileges of our Members of Parliament and it is a victory for the rule of law. No branch of government can be above the law in a democracy and as such this result should be a cause of celebration for all of those who believe in democracy and support the rule of law.”

Rob Miller, CSC Director said

‘It has taken more than two years and 11 judges in immigration tribunals and the Court of Appeal to win this legal battle for visas..

The Home Office defended their position until the very last moment. This victory illustrates how a united campaign by CSC members, trade unions and parliamentarians can make a real difference.”

Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this tremendous victory. Now we can celebrate with the Miami Five Freedom Tour rallies next week.

Miami Five Freedom Tour dates

Saturday 9 July – Durham Miners Gala

Wednesday 13 July – STUC, Glasgow, 7pm

Thursday 14 July – Manchester Town Hall, 6.30pm

Friday 15 July – Cardiff City Hall, 12pm

Friday 15 July – Hamilton House, London, 6.30pm

Sunday 16 July – Tolpuddle Festival, Dorset

Full tour details here

Your support is vitally important to the success of the Miami Five Freedom Tour, please help in whatever way you can to give the Five the welcome in Britain that they deserve.

Find out how you can get involved, volunteer or donate with the tour here


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