NUT in solidarity with Cuba

A National Union of Teachers (NUT) delegation, organised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, visited Cuba in October half-term to explore Cuba’s achievements in their world class education system and how international solidarity can help the island which has been under US blockade for over half a century.

22 NUT members including Kiri Tunks, junior vice-president, Dave Harvey, chair of the international committee and Gawain Little from the National Executive Committee attended the delegation, where they had several meetings with Cuban trade unionists in the SNTECD, Cuba’s teaching union.

The delegation visited several schools including the Cesáreo Fernández elementary school, Manuel Bisbe secondary school, Manuel Saumell music school and Abel Santamaría School for visually impaired children, where they met with teachers and students.

During the delegation Kiri Tunks, NUT junior vice-president was presented with a plaque by Professor Eduardo Garbey in acknowledgement for the NUT’s support for Cuban teachers who studied English on courses in Britain which enabled them to train paramedics to go to West Africa to fight the Ebola epidemic.

Bernard Regan, Cuba Solidarity Campaign National Secretary and NUT trustee received a medal, the “55th Anniversary of the Foundation of the SNTECD” during the delegation for his international solidarity with Cuba over many years at CSC and the NUT. The award was delivered by Ismael Drullet Perez, SNTECD General Secretary, who reported that Bernard was the first foreigner to receive the award.

Reports from the NUT delegation

Cuba’s Literacy Revolution by Susan Piper

Susan Piper is international solidarity officer for Tameside NUT Primary and ESOL teacher

If they can do it in Cuba, What’s stopping us here? by Mari Burton

Mari Burton is a history and PCE teacher and co-NUT rep in a secondary school in West Sussex.

From Cuba with Love by Maggie Morgan

Maggie Morgan is a Senco at a West Sussex secondary school, an NUT member and school rep.

When Teachers’ Opinions Matter by Chris Smith

Chris Smith, NUT Norfolk president and teacher of history and politics

Productive exchanges between British and Cuban teachers – Granma report

The arts aren’t part of life in Cuba. The arts ARE life in Cuba.

Karen Parkin is a Primary School Teacher and Assistant Divisional Secretary NUT Wigan


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