Discuss Cuba's economic changes this Saturday

Recent economic reforms in Cuba have been criticised by some as being ‘too capitalist’ while others applaud them for strengthening the Cuban Socialist model.

On Saturday 14 June, Cubaphiles from across the country will come together to hear Britain’s leading experts on the Cuban economy and labour laws Dr Steve Ludlam and Dr Emily Morris.

The meeting is free and open to all. It is an opportunity to find out and discuss exactly what the changes mean for the Cuban people as well as for all those across the globe following Cuba’s development.

Rob Miller, CSC Director said

“This meeting comes at a crucial time for all those following developments in Cuba and Latin America. Half a million people moving to self-employment, the ending of the dual currency and a new labour code will all have profound impacts on the development of the revolution and people need to understand the effects and the impact on the Cuban Socialist model”

The meeting will also see the premiere of a 30 minute documentary by acclaimed Cuban director Roberto Chile, looking back at the highly successful International Commission of Inquiry into the case of the Miami Five held in London in March.

CSC AGM and Updating Cuba’s Economic Model talk, 10am -4pm, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD (Nearest tube: Euston or Kings Cross).


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