Cuban unions mourn the loss of Bob Crow

Bob Crow pictured below with Juan Jose Polo, leader of the Cuban Transport Workers union

CSC today received two messages from the Confederation of Cuban Workers and the National Union of Transport Workers. Both show the deep love and respect for him among the workers of Cuba and all those who met him

From the CTC (Cuban Confederation of Workers)

"It was with great regret that we received the news today from the Cuba Solidarity Campaign informing us of the death of the renowned and tireless RMT union leader, and our dear friend, Bob Crow.

Bob knew how to sow deep bonds of friendship, empathy and solidarity into the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing and working with him. The Cuban Workers Confederation found in Bob a true and unwavering friend who devoted countless years and efforts to the cause of solidarity with the workers and the Cuban people .

We will always remember his unconditional solidarity to the cause of the Cuban Five, his strong support for the Commission of Inquiry into their case, his fiery expressions of solidarity at the RMT Garden Party against the blockade of Cuba, and his unwavering defense of the right of workers and the Cuban people build a socialist society in the midst of countless attacks and campaigns.

The Cuban Workers Confederation and national unions of Cuba extend our condolences to his family, friends and members of the RMT, reassuring them that we will always keep Bob in our memories and our hearts, because, as José Martí said : "Death is not true when it is done well the work of life."

Until Victory Always, dear brother.

Cuban Confederation of Workers


Message from Juan José Vázquez Polo, General Secretary of the Cuban Transport Union (SNTTP)

The news of the sudden death of dear and respected friend Bob Crow, has caused us deep pain. The Cuban National Union of Transport and Ports, has lost a special friend, who never wavered in defending our revolution at any stage and made clear his solidarity with our struggle for dignity and national sovereignty against the Yankee empire and international reaction, endorsing also the battle for the liberation of our five heroes.

I ask you to extend our deepest sympathies for their loss to the leadership of the RMT, his beloved relatives and members of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign.

We have lost a valuable fighter in the battle for the welfare of workers, but his example will live forever in the history of the international labour movement.

With pain, I greet and embrace,

Juan José Vázquez Polo

Secretary General SNTTP


Con gran pesar hemos recibido hoy el mensaje de Cuba Solidarity Campaign anunciando el fallecimiento del prestigioso líder del RMT e infatigable dirigente sindical, el querido amigo Bob Crow.

Bob supo sembrar en los corazones de todos los que tuvimos el privilegio de conocerle y participar con él en diversas actividades, profundos lazos de amistad, simpatía

y solidaridad.

La Central de Trabajadores de Cuba tuvo en Bob un fiel e inclaudicable amigo que durante años dedicó incontables esfuerzos a la causa de la solidaridad con los trabajadores y el pueblo cubano.

Siempre recordaremos su incondicional esfuerzo solidario con la causa de los Cinco Héroes, su decidido apoyo a la Comisión de Encuesta, sus encendidas expresiones de solidaridad en el Garden Party contra el bloqueo a Cuba y su inquebrantable defensa del derecho de los trabajadores y el pueblo cubano a construir la sociedad socialista en medio de incontables ataques y campañas.

La Central de Trabajadores de Cuba y los sindicatos nacionales cubanos hacemos llegar nuestras condolencias a sus familiares, amigos y miembros del RMT reafirmándoles que siempre mantendremos a Bob en nuestro recuerdo y nuestros corazones, porque, tal como señaló José Martí:

“la muerte no es verdad cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida”.

Hasta la Victoria, Siempre, querido hermano.



Estimado Camarada Rob Miller:

Tu noticia de la muerte repentina delquerido y respetado amigo Bob Crow, nos causa un profundo dolor. El SindicatoNacional de Trabajadores del Transporte y Puertos y Cuba, han perdido unextraordinario amigo, que nunca titubio en la defensa de nuestra revolución encualquier ecenario y hizo patente su solidaridad por nuestra batalla por ladignidad y soberania nacional frente al imperio yanqui y la reaccióninternacional, haciendo suya tambien la batalla por la liberación de nuestros 5heroes.

Te pido en carecidamente hagas llegarnuestro más sentido pezar por su pérdida a la dirección de RMT, a susfamiliares queridos y a los integrantes de la campaña de solidaridad conCuba.

Hemos perdido físicamente un baluerteen la batalla por el bienestar de los trabajadores, pero su ejemplo seráimprecedero y perdudrará en la historia del movimiento obrerointernacional.

Con dolor , te saludo y abrazo

Juan José PoloVázquez

Secretario GeneralSNTTP


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