Join the campaign for a visa for Rene Gonzalez

Write to MPs and Home Secretary Theresa May

On 27th August Rene Gonzalez was again denied a visa to visit the UK. This decision was taken despite the fact that 29 MPs had invited him to speak at a meeting at the Houses of parliament on September 10th. On 5 September, he suffered a further miscarriage of justice when the British courts failed to overturn the decision.

We are asking you now to write to your MPs and to the British Home Secretary Theresa May to protest this decision and allow Rene Gonzalez into the UK.

This is Rene's second application for a visa to Britain that has been refused. The first occurred on the eve of the Commission of Inquiry into the case of the Miami 5 where he was to appear as chief witness. At that time in March 2014, as in this case, legal appeals failed to overturn the ruling.

Rene is able to travel throughout the EU. It is only the UK where a ban on his entry is in place. Given the international significance of this case, it is vital that Rene is given every platform available to present the case of the Five and to pursue, world-wide, the case for justice and freedom for the three remaining in US prisons.

Although Rene has not been allowed to attend the 10 September meeting, the appeal process has not ended. The next stage of the legal process is already underway and it is important that strong opposition to the visa denial is loud and clear.

Please urgently write to your MP and to Home Secretary Theresa May to protest this unjust exclusion of Rene Gonzalez

Rt Hon Theresa May MP

Home Secretary

2 Marsham Street



Draft letters for use

Dear Rt Hon Theresa May,

I am writing to you to protest the denial of a visa for Rene Gonzalez. He was invited to the UK by 29 Members of Parliament to present the case for justice for the Miami 5, five Cubans who have been unjustly incarcerated in US prisons for 16 years. It is important that people in Britain have the opportunity to hear the views of Gonzalez on this case which has a growing international significance. I hope that you will show discretion in this case and allow him to visit our country. The campaign for the Miami Five is supported by thousands of people including MPs, Trade Unions and NGOs such as Amnesty International.

I look forward to your response.

Contact your MP

Find address at

Dear MP,

I am writing to you as my Member of Parliament to ask you to urgently contact the Home Secretary Theresa May in protest at the denial of a visa for Rene Gonzalez. He was invited to the UK by 29 Members of Parliament to present the case for justice for the Miami 5, five Cubans who have been unjustly incarcerated in US prisons for 16 years. It is important that people in Britain have the opportunity to hear the views of Rene Gonzalez on this case which has growing international significance. I hope that you will help us encourage the UK Government to show discretion in this case and allow him to visit our country. The campaign for the Miami Five is supported by thousands of people including MPs, Trade Unions and NGOs such as Amnesty International.

I look forward to your response,



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