Guardian publishes letter critical of denial of visa for Rene Gonzalez

MPs and trade union leaders sign letter criticising denial of visa to Rene Gonzalez

Cuban spy case

We strongly criticise the government's decision to refuse a visa to René González. René was to be the principal witness for the International Commission of Inquiry into the case of the Miami Five, taking place at the Law Society this weekend. René served 15 years' imprisonment in the US before being released last year. Along with four others, known as the Miami Five, the fairness of the trial which convicted them has been strongly criticised, including by Amnesty International and eight Nobel prize winners. One of the aims of the commission is to investigate this, with 20 international witnesses and commissioners. The decision to deny René the chance to participate can only be interpreted as a political one. Surely it is in the public interest to lay bare the circumstances surrounding the arrest and imprisonment of the Miami Five. For the sake of openness and transparency we urge the government to think again and allow René González to attend the commission.

Diane Abbott MP

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Billy Hayes General secretary, Communication Workers Union

Len McCluskey General secretary, Unite

Christine Blower General secretary, National Union of Teachers

Angus MacNeil MP

Kelvin Hopkins MP

Ian Lavery MP

Conor Murphy MP

Jeremy Hardy Broadcaster

Aaron Kiely NUS black students officer

Diana Holland Chair, Cuba Solidarity Campaign

Rob Miller Director, Cuba Solidarity Campaign


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