May Day Tours

Young trade unionists brigade is full but there's still time to book on the May Day Study tour

Twenty-six delegates from five trade unions will be attending this year's May Day celebrations as part of CSC's Young Trade Unionists' brigade.

Young members from Unite, Unison, GMB, TSSA and UCATT will be representing their unions in a number of visits to the CTC (Cuban TUC) and various places of work including hospitals and schools. The brigadistas will be undertaking valuable solidarity work and will discover the reality of life for Cubans living under the illegal U.S blockade of their country. The young activists will meet and discuss issues with Cuban workers, visit the Museum of the Revolution in Havana and witness firsthand the achievements of the Cuban Revolution.

Although the Young Members Brigade is now full, there are still opportunities to experience May Day Cuban style on the CSC May Day Study tour from 27 April – 9 May 2011.

Participants have the opportunity to join with one million Cubans at the May Day Rally in Plaza de la Revolución, meet with sister unions,and visit schools, hospitals, cultural and historic visits, workplaces, institutions and neighbourhoods to gain a valuable insight into the continuing achievements of the Cuban Revolution and present day Cuban society

This is a wonderful opportunity to see the real revolutionary Cuba away from the usual tourist trail, experience Cuba’s rich and diverse cultural heritage and provide visible solidarity and support to the Cuban people.

Prices start from £1,199, including travel accomodation and all visits.


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