British trade union leader to speak at major union meeting on Miami 5 in Los Angeles

Please distribute to contacts in the US

Tony Woodley, former General Secretary of Unite the union, wil be speaking at a public meeting in Los Angeles on the Miami Five next week. Please help publicise this meeting by forwarding to any contacts that you have in the US.

Date: Saturday 13 August 2011 from 6pm.

Venue: SEIU-USWW Hall

828 W. Washington Blvd.

Los Angeles CA 90015

Info: 213-284-7738

Reception and Art Display:6pm


with guest speakers

Mike Garcia, President, SEIU-USWW

Cristina R. Vazquez, Regional Manager, WSRJB, Workers United, SEIU

Tony Woodley, Unite – Britain’s largest trade union former national president and lead officer on the Cuban Five for UK unions

Alicia Jrapko, US coordinator of the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5

Humour from my Pen

An exhibition of Political Cartoons by Gerardo Hernandez will be on show during the meeting. Hernandez is one of the Miami 5 political prisoners held in US Prisons since 1998. He is currently serving two life sentences in Victorville, 100 miles northeast of LA.

Who are the Miami 5?

The Miami 5 (known as the Cuban 5 in the US) are Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Rene González, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez. They are sons, husbands, brothers, poets, pilots, college graduates and artists. To the 11 million Cubans they are considered heroes. They were arrested in 1998, and are currently serving long sentences in five different prisons across the United States. They never killed or threatened anyone, their mission was to infiltrate and monitor the activities of violent groups within the Cuban exiles who have been responsible for the lives of 3,500 Cubans since 1959.


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