Christmas Actions for the Miami Five

Take action from Friday 10 December

To mark the United Nations International Day on Human Rights, from Friday 10 December CSC is asking all supporters of the Miami Five to CALL, FAX and EMAIL the US Government

to demand that President Obama free these five Cuban men unjustly imprisoned in the United States for fighting terrorism.

The Miami Five have been in prison for more than twelve years for trying to stop terrorist attacks against their country.

In August 2010, Amnesty international joined with other international human rights groups, politicians, legal experts and thousands of others across the world by calling into question the fairness of their trial and sentences and asked the US government to review the case.

Please take action now to urge President Obama to Free the Miami Five now.


Call or send your messages from 10 December to:

Phone: 001 202- 456 -1111

Fax: 001 202- 456 – 2461

Go to

to send an email via the White House Web site, or use the link below.

Please do let us know about the actions you have taken and any responses you get.


Sample letter

RE: Five Cubans unjustly imprisoned in the United States

Dear President Obama,

I am writing to you at Christmas, and on the anniversary of the International Day on Human Rights to ask you to show humanity and respect for justice and to free Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González who have been unjustly imprisoned in United States jails for more than twelve years since 12 September 1998.

On 13 October this year, Amnesty International asked the US government to review the case of the Five and to mitigate any injustice against them. You have the constitutional power to do this today.

Please act now and show compassion this Christmas. Please undo the injustice that has been carried our against these men who your own security experts admit were no threat to the United States, but were solely in your country to gather information on violent groups planning terrorist attacks against the Cuban people.

Yours sincerely


Please feel free to use the above letter or write in your own words to President Obama.

If there is no response to the phone line, please leave a message calling for freedom for the Five.



Phone: +1 202-456-1111

Fax: +1 202-456-2461


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