Trade union support for Cuba grows

Trade union support for Cuba continues to grow as the year goes on.

‘They are ordinary people like us, that belong to trade unions and our job is to work in solidarity with them’ declared Hugh Lanning, Deputy General Secretary of PCS. Speaking at a fringe meeting organised by CSC at the PCS Conference Hugh told the meeting that ‘the blockade is not an academic issue’.

Solidarity for Cuba was also expressed at the PCS conference social evening where over 700 delegates danced to a live Cuban band and enjoyed Havana Club rum cocktails. Hundreds of delegates pledged to raise the issue of Cuba solidarity at their branches and took away with them membership forms and copies of the special 50th anniversary CD of Cuban music.

Fire Brigades Union delegates delegates heard from Bernard Regan, National Secretary of CSC at their conference in Southport at a well attend3d fringe meeting. Later at their conference social delegates saw a new film about Cuban doctors in Haiti and raised over £3000 for the Cuban doctors appeal.

The theme of solidarity was continued in Bournemouth at the Communications Workers Conference where a well attended fringe meeting focussed on Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia.


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