Ecuadorian President says visit to Cuba was remarkable

Ecuador ’s President Rafael Correa described as remarkable his three-day visit to Cuba , during a TV and radio show aired from the Havana-based Latin American School of Medicine ( ELAM ), which he dubbed a symbol of solidarity.

The medical school was the scenario for the President’s number 103 TV and radio show, in which every Saturday he reports to his people about his weekly working agenda. He explained about his stay in Cuba and announced that both nations are implementing 33 bilateral agreements, while during his visit another nine accords were reached in the fields of health care, education, disaster management, science and technology.

The Ecuadorian head of state recalled the fraternal relations uniting Cuba and his country and he thanked the Cuban government for having offered scholarships for Ecuadorian youths; some 268 students from his country have thus far graduated from the medical school, while another 81 are currently taking their internship in Cuba , he said.

Correa praised the social project undertaken by Cuba over the past fifty years, the permanent willingness to attain victory, the development of human talent, social unity and the culture of commitment and effort, which he said is a reality different from that in most Latin American nations.

He referred to the nation wide energy program underway in Cuba , which has benefited the Cuban families and has contributed to economic savings; he noted that such a program will be implemented in his country.

The Ecuadorian President called on his country’s youth to prepare themselves to serve their nation with their human talent, honesty and with passion in order to change the country’s health care system.

“To the Latin American School of Medicine, a symbol of brotherhood, solidarity and commitment to our big Motherland. Onwards to Victory!” Correa wrote on the visitor’s book at the school, whose registration surpasses 10, 000 students from 28 nations


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