Music and politics mix to break the silence on the Five

Forth plinth art installation in Trafalgar Square entertains crowds and helps campaign for the Five reach international internet audience

Art, politics, music and dancing combined to take the campaign to free the Miami Five to a whole new audience on Monday night.

To mark the eleventh anniversary of the unjust imprisonment of the five Cubans in US jails, CSC member Alan Fitter spent an hour on Trafalgar Square's forth plinth to raise awareness on the Five and Music Fund for Cuba.

More than 200 passers-by listened and danced to the live Cuban band playing below while CSC supporters waved Cuban flags and handed out leaflets.

Many members of the public had never heard of the case before and were moved to sign the petition for their freedom and take away information.

"I think this is so exciting to be here this evening, we've got art, the whole cultural experience mixed with politics and everybody in the square is having a really great time", commented Adrian Weir from SERTUC's international committee.

Reflecting on his experiences on the plinth, CSC member Alan Fitter said:

"I think we made a bit of a splash in the square and hopefully my hour up there would have helped spread the word.

"To look down and see the banners, the flags and the CSC supporters was very uplifting and moving; add to that the amazing band and a good time seemed to be had by all.

"My friends and family were very impressed at the turnout and the atmosphere – I think we made our mark!"

"I watched some of it on-line when I got home and it's really surreal seeing myself up there – almost an out of body experience!"

Alan's hour on the plinth was part of sculptor Antony Gormley's 100 day One & Other installation in Trafalgar Square this summer. Every hour, 24 hours a day, for 100 days without a break, a different person makes the Plinth their own.

Photo Credit: Alejandro Gortazar


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