Cuba Solidarity Campaign statement on events in Honduras

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign condemns the coup carried out by members of the armed forces against the elected government of Honduras led by President Manuel Zelaya and calls for his immediate and unconditional reinstatement.

The Campaign notes the united action by trade unions, farmers and other members of society that has been taken including the general strike by public sector workers and members of the General Labour Union (CGT) in Honduras.

We condemn the actions against members of the Government of Honduras including the Foreign Secretary who, although now released, was initially kidnapped by armed forces along with the Ambassadors of Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba .

We note the call by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon and numerous other international figures for the reinstatement of President Zelaya and the restoration of his Government to office. We believe that the British Government should support these calls.

The Campaign believes that the objective of the coup is both to destroy the progress that has been achieved in Honduras itself and is an attack on the involvement of the country in ALBA – the Bolivarian alternative of the Latin American continent.

We express our solidarity with the peoples of Honduras in their courageous attempts to thwart this coup and in their attempts to restore President Zelaya to office.


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