Spanish FM urges closer economic cooperation

Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos defended closer economic cooperation with Cuba before a hearing of his country's senate in Madrid on Tuesday.

Moratinos said he was in favor of better understanding between Cuba and Spain to continue improving commercial relations between business from the two countries, reported the EFE news agency.

“Our approach is dialogue, trust, openness and a willingness to work with Cuban authorities- and we will maintain that stance,” Moratinos stressed.

The Spanish foreign minister highlighted his government’s opposition to the economic, financial, and commercial blockade against Cuba by the United States.

Moratinos emphasized the need to provide financial aid to Cuba to help mitigate the blockade’s negative effects as well as damage caused by hurricanes that battered the island recently. He requested support from all political parties, especially the Popular Party (PP), to improve relations with the Caribbean nation.

In April 20087, the Spanish foreign minister visited Havana where he met with high-level government officials, and expressed his wish that Cuba and the European Union would improve their relations.


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