Connect joins union affiliates in support of Cuba

CONNECT has become the 24th national Trade Union to join the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and to work “in defence of Cuba and its people’s rights”.

The Campaign is now supported by unions that represent more than six million workers across the UK – equivalent to more than 92 per cent of UK Trade Unionists.

Connect, which has almost 20,000 members, is for professionals in communications and related industries, such as information technology.

Adrian Askew, General Secretary of Connect, said: “I am pleased to say that Connect’s Executive Council has now agreed to affiliate.

“We look forward to working with you in the defence of Cuba and its people’s rights.”

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) was launched in its current form in 1994, and has almost 350 trade union branch affiliations and several thousand individual members.

Rob Miller, CSC’s Director, said: “I am absolutely delighted that Connect has decided to affiliate to the campaign and show its support for the people of Cuba.

“Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and one of the best possible ways that we can celebrate the occasion is by demonstrating to the Cuban people that the British Trade Union movement is solidly behind them.

“I would urge all trade unionists to join with us today as the most effective way of showing international solidarity with the island and campaigning here in the UK for better, improved relations between UK and Cuba"


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