Cuba accentuates freeing the Five

World urged to renew solidarity with Cuban Five

The President of the Cuban Parliament, Ricardo

Alarcon de Quesada, said on Friday that the world should renew its solidarity with five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States.

Speaking at an International Solidarity Conference that is taking place at Havana’s Convention Center with the participation of over one thousand trade union leaders from ten countries, Alarcon said that it is necessary to increase the number of actions worldwide in favor of the release of Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino and Rene Gonzalez – internationally known as the Cuban Five – who were arrested in 1998 for infiltrating anti-Cuba groups in South Florida that were planning and carrying out terrorist actions against Cuba.

Alarcon denounced the numerous violations of international regulations and even US laws committed during the process against the Cuban Five and recalled that the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions determined that their arrest and prosecution were arbitrary.

Also speaking at the conference was the General Secretary of the Cuban Workers’ Confederation (CTC), Salvador Valdes Mesa, who stressed that

the release of the Cuban Five and the struggle against the US economic, financial and trade blockade of the Caribbean nation are top priorities for the Cuban people.

Delegates to the event read messages of solidarity with the Cuban Five and enumerated specific actions planned in favor of their release.

Cuban News Agency


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