LGBT TUC Cuba motion

The annual TUC Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Conference (LGBT) heard speakers from the Fire Brigades Union who tabled a motion calling on conference “to acknowledge the achievements of the Cuban revolution and note that 2009 will be the 50th anniversary of the revolution. The motion was passed overwhelmingly and to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution requested that “the TUC encourages a delegation from Cuba to attend the 2009 LGBT TUC Conference.

Full motion wording:


The Fire Brigades Union would like conference to acknowledge the achievements of the Cuban Revolution and note that 2009 will see the 50th Anniversary of the revolution.

Among the achievements Cuba has seen the eradication of illiteracy, provision of free education for life and the increase in life expectancy and reduction in infant mortality due to the excellent health care system.

We do recognise that the Revolution did not bring great change for LGBT people. Official and public attitudes continued to denigrate and abuse LGBT people, this homophobia characterised in society by the machista values and adherence to the Roman Catholic Church, with same sex relationships seen as a sexual aberration.

In recent years significant advances in the field of lesbian and gay rights have been apparent, but much still has to be done, there remains some way to go before full respect, understanding and acceptance of the LGBT people becomes a general characteristic of Cuban society. Work is continuing in Cuba to encourage people to question and reconsider mind sets and public attitudes.

We therefore call on TUC affiliates, trade union members, including LGBT activists to support the achievements of the Cuban Revolution and work to build links with Cuban Union counterparts to assist in supporting their LGBT members.

In addition to this we call on the UK Government to end its complicity with the US blockade of Cuba and to apply political pressure on the United States to end the illegally imposed economical blockade.

Finally in recognition of the Anniversary in 2009 we request that the TUC encourages a delegation from Cuba to attend the 2009 LGBT TUC Conference.

Fire Brigades Union


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