TUC Congress report

ALMOST 200 delegates enjoyed live Cuban music and mojitos at the Cuba

Solidarity Campaign’s fringe meeting held at the TUC Congress.

A top list of speakers – which included three general secretaries and two MPs – spoke about the need to fight against American attempts to impose US legislation on companies in the UK in order to tighten the 46-year-old trade blockade of the Caribbean island.And they also called on the British trade union movement to begin planning for the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, in 2009.

Ian Davidson, Labour MP for Glasgow South West, said: “I’m a member of the

Scottish Affairs Committee and we boycotted Hilton Hotels after hearing it had banned Cuban nationals from its chain in Norway.

“The issue goes way beyond just Hilton Hotels, as the chain rightly pointed

out, but British law ought to predominate in this country and we all must ensure that we avoid companies which bow to the illegal US blockade.”

Dave Prentis, Unison’s General Secretary, said: “It is incredible that an island as small as Cuba is able to send so many thousands of health workers abroad to provide free healthcare to the poor.

“We shall certainly be playing our part in preparing the celebrations to

honour the Revolution’s 50th anniversary.”

Baljeet Ghale, NUT President, chaired the CSC event, and speakers included:

Brendan Barber, General Secretary of the TUC, Zelmys Dominguez, Political

Counsellor at the Cuban Embassy, Colin Burgon MP, Rob Miller, CSC’s

director, and Tony Woodley, General Secretary of Unite / TGWU Section.


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