Cuban Delegation Participates in Tribute to Che Guevara in Bolivia

Havana, Oct 8 (acn) Leonardo Tamayo (Urbano), one of the survivors of Che Guevara's guerrilla in Bolivia, heads a Cuban delegation that is participating in the activities to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the assassination of the revolutionary leader in that South American


As it has become a tradition, the small village of La Higuera received the thousands of people that arrived there to pay homage to Che Guevara and to participate in the commemoration activities on Monday.

Nearly 7,000 people from several countries arrived in the town of Vallegrande on Sunday and began the march towards La Higuera to

participate in the main rally on Monday that, according to Prensa latina news agency, will be attended by Bolivian President Evo Morales.

Osvaldo Peredo, one of the organizers of the 2nd Che Guevara World Encounter, said that the activities to commemorate the guerrilla's death began on Friday with cultural activities, colloquiums, exhibitions and concerts.

Activities to commemorate Che Guevara's assassination are taking place worldwide.

In Chile, for example, youth organizations participated in a rally in which Harry Villegas, another survivor of the revolutionary guerrilla in Bolivia, expressed his satisfaction at seeing that Che Guevara's example lingers on.


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