UK MPs slam Hilton hotels

Parliamentary motion gathers 93 signatures

A Parliamentary motion criticising the Hilton hotel chain for banning Cubans from its hotels in the UK had gathered 93 signatures from all parties by 1 March.

Early Day Motion 828, tabled on 5 February by Dr Ian Gibson MP, Chair of the All Party Cuba Group calls on the UK government to issue a statement on the ban, which breaches UK discrimination laws.

The ban, caused by Hilton's obedience to the US blockade is also an extra-territorial application of a US law and therefore illegal under international law because it breaches Britain's sovereignty.

Three conservatives,including the former Minister of Trade, Sir Ian Taylor, have signed the motion along with 15 Liberal Democrats, three Plaid Cymru and two SDLP members.

The full motion and list of signatories is reproduced below and can be accessed at:

For background on the issue go to:

EDM 828



Gibson, Ian

That this House regrets the decision of the Hilton Hotel Group to ban Cuban delegations from its global chain; expresses concern over remarks from a UK spokesperson for the Hilton Group that Cubans may be banned from their London hotels; recognises that any such developments would violate domestic UK anti-discrimination laws and EU safeguards against the use of extra-territorial legislation and would be tantamount to a breach of UK sovereignty as well as being an act of racial discrimination; calls upon the UK Government to issue a public statement of opposition to any attempts by the Hilton Group or any other US owned multi-national companies to enforce elements of the illegal US embargo of Cuba in the territory of the United Kingdom.

Conservative Party

Baldry, Tony

Bottomley, Peter

Taylor, Ian

Labour Party

Anderson, David

Anderson, Janet

Borrow, David S

Burgon, Colin

Butler, Dawn

Campbell, Ronnie

Caton, Martin

Challen, Colin

Chaytor, David

Clark, Katy

Clelland, David

Clwyd, Ann

Cohen, Harry

Connarty, Michael

Cook, Frank

Corbyn, Jeremy

Cruddas, Jon

Cryer, Ann

Davidson, Ian

Dean, Janet

Dismore, Andrew

Eagle, Angela

Etherington, Bill

Flynn, Paul

Francis, Hywel

Gerrard, Neil

Gibson, Ian

Godsiff, Roger

Goodman, Helen

Hamilton, David

Hamilton, Fabian

Hopkins, Kelvin

Hoyle, Lindsay

Humble, Joan

Iddon, Brian

Illsley, Eric

Jackson, Glenda

Jenkins, Brian

Jones, Lynne

Keen, Alan

Khabra, Piara S

Kilfoyle, Peter

Lazarowicz, Mark

Love, Andrew

Marris, Rob

Marshall, David

McCafferty, Chris

McCarthy, Kerry

McCarthy-Fry, Sarah

McDonnell, John

McKechin, Ann

Meale, Alan

Mitchell, Austin

Mudie, George

Pope, Greg

Prentice, Gordon

Purchase, Ken

Riordan, Linda

Salter, Martin

Sarwar, Mohammad

Sheridan, Jim

Simpson, Alan

Singh, Marsha

Skinner, Dennis

Stoate, Howard

Strang, Gavin

Stringer, Graham

Trickett, Jon

Turner, Desmond

Vis, Rudi

Liberal Democrats

Cable, Vincent

Featherstone, Lynne

George, Andrew

Hancock, Mike

Harris, Evan

Hemming, John

Holmes, Paul

Hunter, Mark

Leech, John

Pugh, John

Russell, Bob

Stunell, Andrew

Swinson, Jo

Williams, Stephen

Younger-Ross, Richard

Plaid Cymru

Llwyd, Elfyn

Price, Adam

Williams, Hywel

Social Democratic and Labour Party

Durkan, Mark

McDonnell, Alasdair


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