Ibero-American summit stays firm on US blockade

Meeting ends with statement against 'inhuman' US policy

Ibero America Reasserts Position against US Blockade to Cuba

Montevideo, Nov 5 (Prensa Latina) the 16th Ibero American Summit kept a firm position against the US blockade on Cuba and adopted a categorical statement against this inhuman economic, commercial and financial blockade.

Washington was seated on the dock, when it was pointed at four times, with the regional community demanding an end to the blockade against the Caribbean island, said the Final Declaration of the event.

The document condemning that policy is entitled "Need to Put an End to the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade by the US Government againts Cuba" including the Helms-Burton Act.

Only a few days before of a new vote at the UN General Assembly on this topic, Heads of State and Government reiterated their opposition to the blockade.

Ibero America rejected the implementation of laws and measures against international law, asked Washington to lift the blockade to Cuba and comply with the regulations of 14 resolutions passed at the UN General Assembly.

The US blockade has cost the Cuban government an estimate of 86 billion dollars.

Washington also received strong criticism in other topics discussed in Montevideo, especially regarding the border wall in the Mexico-US common border, and for giving shelter to Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in its own territory.

This summit adopted a Final Declaration, the Commitment Act of Montevideo, and nine special statements.



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