Fidel Castro calls to strengthen Communist Party

Functioning of party discussed at plenum

Havana, Jul 4 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro called to strengthen Cuba?s Communist Party (PCC) more than ever, and highlighted its decisive role amid the complex world situation and the internal battle for the eradication of deficiencies.

Fidel Castro made the statement when presiding over deliberations of the fifth Plenum of the PCC Central Committee, a version of which was published Tuesday in official daily Granma, where issues linked to the functioning of the organization, the country?s defense and development, and the international situation were discussed.

The Cuban leader explained the Secretariat is reinstated when it is most needed, and is formed by people who have attained good results as leaders in the country?s provinces and have a valuable experience.

Referring to the international panorama he stated "the world is becoming a sort of volcano that can erupt anywhere, due to the social and economic situation."

He alluded to the negative influence of the US on the world economy due to, among other factors, the uncontrolled emission of dollars far over its real purchasing power, turning the currency into "papers that people do not want to amass anymore."

The Head of State highlighted the important role of criticism and resorting to people?s honor to fight criminal behaviours, including aided by the media.

He stressed that though Cuba has practically achieved military invulnerability, the situation in the economic field is not the same, and praised saving as a virtue, particularly in what refers to energy and fuel consumption.

After mentioning advances in education and health, including the fight against epidemics and Cuba?s international prestige won through cooperation projects in other countries, Fidel Castro affirmed all those achievements make the Island stronger.

The Plenum approved the report presented by the Minister of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, Raul Castro, on the state of the country?s preparation for defense.

The minister emphasized that Cuba faces an enemy who makes mistakes due to its obstinate, arrogant stance. Regarding this, Fidel Castro had warned the dangers can be even higher, because the enemy (US) is a "wounded beast."

Raul Castro noted that the special trust Cuban people have in its leader is untransferable. He highlighted that the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution is exceptional, and only the Communist Party is worthy of inheriting such confidence.

"We work to that end and thus it will be, the rest is mere speculation," he stated.

The meeting also informed on the inclusion of new members to the Central Committee, as well as the reestablishment of its Secretariat, which will assist the Political Bureau and guarantee the fulfillment of its accords, Granma daily reported.


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