US Bishop praises Cuba

Episcopalian leader meets Fidel Castro

Havana, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina): US Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Frank Tracy Griswold praised Cuban health and education systems and condemned the Washington blockade on Cuba.

At a meeting with Cuban students and professors on Wednesday, Griswold was moved by the island?s achievement in medical care and educational services, and reiterated his solid position against the over four-decade blockade.

The aim of his visit is to share experiences and strengthen relations of friendship and solidarity between believers and people from both nations.

Frank Tracy Griswold and his accompanying delegation, officially welcomed by President Fidel Castro Tuesday, have on the island since February 24 on an invitation from the island?s Episcopal Church.

The meeting took place under a cordial and respectful atmosphere that has always characterized relations between the Cuban government, religious organizations and foreign dignitaries.


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