World Festival of Youth and Students,

Venezuela, August, 2005.

World Festival of Youth and Students,

On the 7-15th August, 2005 the 16th World Festival of Youth and Students will take place in Caracas, Venezuela.

The festival, organised by the World Federation of Democratic Youth, will act as a focal point for discussion on a variety of solidarity, anti-war, social justice and ecological issues.

Ongoing solidarity work with Cuba will be an important aspect of the Festival’s agenda.

The event itself will take place in a variety of locations in Caracas and will offer attendees an opportunity to view the developments taking place in the country as a consequence Hugo Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution.

The Venezuelans have made provision for 15,000 attendees. Those interested in going should contact the British Preparatory Committee at:

or their representative Ben Stephenson on 07906 096 209. Note there are no age limits for those attending the Festival.


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