Cuba calls for independence of Puerto Rico and return of the Malvinas

Perpetuation of colonialism is an ignominy, says representative to UN

United Nations, Oct 5 (Prensa Latina) Cuba drew attention Wednesday to the shame that, in the middle of the information technology revolution and the great 21st Century progress in communications, it has been impossible to end colonialism.

"Colonialism is a scourge persisting from centuries past," pointed out Ileana Nuñez, Cuban alternate permanent representative to the UN, when addressing the UN General Assembly 4th Commission, on topics of special policies and decolonization of nations.

She reiterated Cuba"s commitment to self-determination and independence of the people of Puerto Rico, which preserves and defends its own identity as a Caribbean and Latin American nation; reminding that Puerto Rico has never been independent and sovereign.

Nuñez also expressed concern for the paralysis of the process for the Western Sahara region, and said that Cuba supports creation of a referendum to find an honorable solution to the Saharan situation, including the right of the Saharan people"s self-determination in the solution of their case.

The Cuban representative reasserted Cuba"s unequivocal support for the legitimate right of Argentina in the dispute over sovereignty of the Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) and urged dialogue for a just, peaceful and honorable resolution.

Referring to the case of Guam, the Cuban diplomat exhorted the US administrative power in Guam to cooperate and respect the rights and interests of the population.

She lamented the slow advance of decolonization, and expressed surprise at the questions raised during negotiations of the UN Summit document of such elemental human rights as the people"s right to self-determination.

About the possibility that this commission would cease, the Cuban diplomat asserted that for Cuba, revitalization of the 4th Commission should not lead to its disappearance, but instead give it the necessary vitality to do its job.

She referred to the concern of Cuba for the persisting looting and exploitation of natural land and sea resources in non-autonomous territories.


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