Fidel Castro urges Washington to tell the truth on Posada Carriles

Bush complicit in helping terrorist escape, says Cuban leader

Havana, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro urged the US government this Saturday to tell the truth on Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and the circumstances of his illegal entrance to that northern nation.

Addressing the International Meeting against Terrorism, for Truth and Justice taking place in Havana, the president said the evidence of Washington?s complicity with the Posada case will sink the George W. Bush administration even more and referred to facts exposed by the journalist of Mexican Por Eso newspaper.

The Cuban head of state insisted that US authorities allowed the entrance to that country of Posada Carriles, who requested political asylum there.

Attendees to the forum also heard a phone conversation recording in which Cuban-born terrorist Santiago Alvarez ordered the placing of explosives in Havana?s Tropicana Cabaret, in the name of Posada Carriles who was in a Panamanian prison at the time.

The event is attended by victims of this scourge throughout the continent, journalists, intellectuals social fighters and political leaders, in all over 600 foreign delegates.

Venezuelan foreign minister highlights importance of Anti-Terrorist Forum

Havana, Jun 2 (Prensa Latina) Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jose Vicente Rangel, assured here today the Conference against Terrorism for Truth and Justice, being held in this capital, will contribute a different vision to this problem.

It will be a completely different conception from that of the United States, declared Rangel in exclusive to Prensa Latina when he arrived in Havana to participate in that international meeting attended by intellectuals, politicians and other personalities from 67 countries.

For US president George W. Bush there is good and bad terrorism, according to his political, economic and hegemonic interests in the world, for us any terrorism is reprehensible, he affirmed.

We don?t choose -he added-, we simply say that terrorism being practiced today is aggressive, of state, pillage and absolutely immoral.

About the petition of extradition of Posada Carriles presented officially by Venezuela to the US, Rangel expressed doubts that it is accomplished.

In the United States and Central America they are doing everything to prevent extradition to Venezuela, he said referring to an application for extradition made by a judge in El Salvador who pretends to anticipate the Venezuelan petition.

They do not fear for the life of Posada Carriles, because his integrity is guaranteed in Venezuela, but for whatever he may reveal of his links with the US government, he stressed.

The anti-terrorist meeting which will be in session through Saturday, will conclude with a concert dedicated to the memory of Chilean singer-composer, Victor Jara, murdered by the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship

Fidel presides over international anti-terrorism forum

Havana June 2: PRESIDENT Fidel Castro is today presiding over the International Meeting against Terrorism , for Truth and Justice, at the International Conference Center in the Cuban capital with the participation of more than 300 Cuban and foreign delegates.

Lasting three days, the event has been convened by the Cuban chapter of the Network of Networks in Defense of Humanity, and will include contributions from intellectuals, artists, union leaders, social activists, parliamentarians and politicians from various regions of the world.

The Havana forum began with the screening of a documentary, a faithful testimony to terrorist attacks in Cuba and other countries, such as the sabotage of a Cubana Aviation passenger plane in October 1976 or the consequences of Operation Condor, organized by the CIA in Latin America’s Southern Cone region to curb liberation movements.

The panel debate will be transmitted live on Cubavisión, Radio Rebelde, Radio Habana Cuba and Cubavisión Internacional.

Bush courts coup supporter and angers Venezuela

Caracas, Jun 1: Venezuela has expressed its disappointment by US President George W. Bush?s welcome of a coup supporter in the White House amid the controversy over Washington?s protection of the terrorist of Cuban origin, Luis Posada Carriles.

Venezuelan parliament sources did not take long to regard the meeting between Bush and Maria Corina Machado as abusive.

Deputies Cilia Flores and Iris Valera recalled that Machado, from the opposition "Sumate" organization, was accused of signing a decree to abolish constitutional powers during the coup d?état of 2002 of the government of President Hugo Chavez.

"Sumate" was financed by Washington to destabilize Chavez? government, according to declassified US official documents.

Venezuela is offended by the US initiative of receiving a woman that is being prosecuted in Venezuela for her connection with the coup of 2002.

Chavez? government decried that the White House has violated international law after rejecting the extradition of Posada Carriles to Venezuela from where he escaped when he was being prosecuted for the bombing of a Cuba airliner in 1976.

San Salvador, May 31: A Salvadoran court decided Tuesday to request the US to extradite terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, accused here of forging identity documents.

The deposition was adopted by Judge Alba Estela Zelaya, who confirmed to local press that the request was already with the US Embassy.

The local media recalled that in 2003 El Salvador began proceedings against Posada Carriles for possession of a Salvadorian passport obtained with forged documents, following his capture in Panama in 2000 with co-terrorsists Guillermo Novo, Gaspar Jiménez and Pedro Remón when the group was preparing an assassination attempt against Cuban President, Fidel Castro.

Extradition of Posada Carriles to El Salvador is rejected by social and political sectors, who see it as a maneuver to avoid his facing punishment for terrorism in Venezuela, as the crimes of forgery are not subject to imprisonment and the proceedings would not address his terrorist activites, which they believe he should be held accountable for.

Documents declassified by the Central Agency of Intelligence (CIA) confirm that from the Salvadorian base of Ilopango, Posada Carriles perpetrated many crimes in Cental América in the 1980"s.


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