Fidel's message of condolence to King of Spain

Cuban leader's 'profund consternation'

Havana, March 11, 2004

Don Juan Carlos I

King of Spain

Your Majesty:

I have learned with profound consternation of the bomb attack on the Madrid railroad system that, according to the news, has cost almost 200 human lives and around 1,000 injuries.

In this hour of mourning for Spain, allow me to express our most profound condolences to yourself and your people, to whom we are linked by intimate ties of friendship and solidarity. I can assure you that Cuba, which has been the victim of acts of terrorism in all their forms and manifestations over the last 45 years, comprehends and shares the pain at this outrageous and unjustifiable act of aggression against the Spanish people.

You may depend on our most sincere solidarity, while I confirm my greatest respect for your person.

Fidel Castro Ruz


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