CSC condemns new US sanctions and pledges to fight them

AGM is one of best attended in years

At one of its best attended Annual General Meetings in many years, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign in the UK on June 5, roundly condemned the increased US sanctions on Cuba and pledged to fight hard to get the British government to distance itself from Washington over its policy towards the island.

The meeting, held at the HQ of the National Union of Teachers in Central London, was attended by Sergio Corrieri, the President of the Cuban NGO ICAP (the Institution of Friendship with the Peoples), who spoke on the Cuban people’s determination never to succumb to economic pressure or surrender its principles.

The motion on the so-called Commission Report of a ‘Free Cuba’ is reproduced below.

In addition, the Campaign voted to hold a Trade Unions for Cuba Conference in London in the November, work to ensure that Cuba is central to the agenda of the European Social Forum that is to take place in London in October and to campaign in the media and the trade union movement in the UK to spread the truth about the situation in Guantanamo Bay.

Ken Gill was re-elected as the Chair of the campaign. Since its inception in 1991, he has seen the organisation grow from a membership of 200 to almost 5,000 individuals and organisations including all the UK major trade unions.

Emergency Motion

Commission Report for a ‘Free Cuba’

AGM notes the new measures introduced on 6 May 2004 by George W, Bush on the recommendation of the so-called Commission for a Free Cuba.

AGM further notes that these measures, by restricting visits by Cuban family members and reducing the amount of currency they can spend in Cuba will increase the hardship of many Cuban families. The measures will also tend to increase the pressure on Cubans to try to migrate to the US by illegal means.

In addition, AGM, notes that the measures also include provisions to increase dramatically the amount of money available to fund counter-revolutionary groups in the US, alleged dissidents in Cuba and to spread anti-Cuba propaganda both inside the island and throughout the world. Part of the intention is to discredit the tourist industry in a callous attempt to destroy Cuba's most important economic sector.

Furthermore, the measures propose the use of military aircraft to overcome the jamming of the propaganda radio and TV stations that the US illegally transmits at the island.

In response the Cuban government has made it clear that it perceives all these moves as a prelude to a possible invasion of the island.

AGM condemns the measures as a flagrant attack on the rights of Cubans both in the US and Cuba itself, a further extension of the illegal and immoral blockade and the firmest evidence yet of the Bush regime's intentions to destroy the Cuban revolution. AGM also regards the measures as a dangerous escalation in the region that severely raises the prospect of a conflict that would be catastrophic for the whole Caribbean.

AGM resolves:

To increase its efforts in the UK to persuade the government to distance itself publicly from this new aggressive policy by the Bush regime.

To increase media work with a view to rebutting US propaganda regarding Cuba and to disseminate factual information regarding the situation.

To organise where and when it is appropriate, suitable direct action activities to increase public awareness of the new measures and the threat to Cuba.

To work in the Trade Unions and Parliament, building on the success of the Hands Off Cuba Campaign, to make sure that maximum pressure is placed upon the government to change its line vis-a-vis the US policy.

To work with our European sister organisations to ensure that this campaign is extended as far as possible to the EU.

To build links with sister Latin American, Central American and Caribbean organisations to raise a united front against the Bush policy.

Passed by the CSC UK, June 5, 2004


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